The month of Shravan, popularly known as Sawan, is the fifth month of the Hindu calender. Shravan is considered the holiest month of the year. The legend says that the churning of oceans Samudra Manthan took place in the month of Shravan. Each Monday of this month, known as Shravan Somvar, is a special day in Shiva temples where the dharanatra hangs over the linga or the idol to bathe it with holy water, day and night. Devotees pile the linga high with Bel leaves and flowers and fast till sunset. As, Mondays or Somvars of Shravan month are specially observed with austerity. All Mondays are devoted to the worship of Shiva as this day is sacred to Lord Shiva. No other Mondays of other months are so greatly honored. The belief is that in Shravan month, offering milk to Lord Shiva earns a lot of punya.
Worship procedure: Ganpati invocation mantra, Invocation mantras of all major deities, Dhyaan, Shiva Abhishek, Katha on each Monday, Aarti, Pushpanjali, Prasad.
Duration: 2 hours on each Monday